Finding Gratitude in the Obstacles of life….
Article by: Tania Thomas
I once heard the perfect saying that summed up my belief system and how I currently perceive life. This is powerful, so read this quote at least three times before moving on through this article.
“Life is like school with one key difference, in school you get the lesson and then you take the test. But in life you get the test and its your job to take the lesson” (Will Smith)
First, let me introduce myself, I am Tania Thomas, and my life passion is being a “Purpose Coach”, I am divorced after 27 yrs. with four children, I earned a Bachelor’s & Master’s degree and currently have 22 yrs. at AT&T in engineering. What does that mean, it means simply this, I earned my doctorate of life. I’ve been through some major obstacles, some highs some lows and I LOVE the hell out of it all. See, I believe in the theory of realism, keep it real with yourself, keep it simple and keep it happy. The end goal must always be “HAPPINESS”. Think about it, when you feel good on the inside you are so motivated to be more outgoing and inspired to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. When you live in misery, you function in that manner, unhappy and unmotivated to live your best life. Living your best life is the goal, isn’t it? Living a harmonious life is what we all desire and its not hard to achieve but often we get in our own way. It’s time to MOVE=Make Ourselves Valuable Everyday! Listen up, it’s imperative to think and process healthy, and positive thoughts about who you see in the mirror. Our reflection is our projection that we put out to the world. Do you see an amazing person who is growing and loving themselves or do you see someone who is broken and unworthy? Your thought process is the key to a successful and amazing life. Vibrate higher, feel good, dance, laugh and no matter what always know you are more than enough. Live your life with PASSION and unwavering drive that pushes you when everything isn’t lining up perfectly. Let that emergency brake go, and go hard for yourself, the past is the past. Say this with me “THE PAST IS THE PAST” leave those negative situations and thoughts in the trashcan and take it to the curb to be picked and removed from your life. It’s time to work on you and spend more time loving yourself to a healthy mindset, by focusing on your present life, the past doesn’t matter, it’s all about what you are doing RIGHT NOW. We write our own script about our life, if you want a better-quality life, it starts with your thought process. Make a sales pitch to yourself daily.
It should go something like this...
“Good morning beautiful, I am proud of you for waking up with a positive mindset, you got this, I am going to have an amazing day and work on myself as a priority. I will WIN no matter what because GOD made me in his image so I can be nothing less than amazing. Let’s go, today will be productive and prosperous”
I am not saying it’s easy, what I am saying is a beautiful life is attainable if that is what you desire. Don’t get caught up in adversity because the obstacles make us better, the more obstacles you get through the more growth and strength you gain until eventually, it doesn’t bother you because you already know that you can get through anything, its called FAITH. Its all part of your journey, and experience and its golden.
After learning to embrace the rain and understanding that you must be grateful for the storm to appreciate the Sunshine, I changed my entire life for the better. We often get caught up in the lows in life and create a “Victim” mentality. Instead, we need to embrace the JOURNEY, you will hear that word often as we progress through the year because I am all about the journey.
Life is like a thousand-piece puzzle laying all over the table and you must sit down and take time to put all the pieces together in order to see the whole picture to make sense of it all. Experience is our best teacher, if we don’t have a real testimony what’s the point? Looking back I have been a Life coach all my life, getting the Key to the city of Cincinnati, Ohio at 16yrs old for giving back and being a youth leader in the community. That was nice and felt great, however, that was me just being a good person. I must admit, my REAL-LIFE situations have made me the powerful, life changing “Purpose Coach” I am now. I am not a life coach, because you can’t embrace life without recognizing and knowing your true purpose. My passion is helping others find their true Purpose, it makes you love yourself on a whole different level. I’m transparent about my life and I connect with individuals on a genuine level. When I make statements of encouragement it’s because I got through it myself:
“Yes, girlfriend he left you and the kids, so what, you got this, get up shake it off and find your inner superpower and let your success mentally and physically be your Revenge”.
“Yes, my sister you have no money in your account, but you will find a way to survive, I promise it will work out”, stay positive.
“Yes, you can recover from mental abuse and become so mentally sound you smile everyday”.
These are testimonies only someone who has been through the storm and came out on the other side can express.
Let’s have some “Real Talk with Reese”, with anything you want to accomplish you must put in some real work, it doesn’t have to be so-called “hard work” it just must be consistent work. Consistency is key to making dreams and goals come to life. We must become an ally to ourselves by changing the narrative of self-doubt to self-worth with positive inner thoughts that transform us into the amazing beings that we are destined to become.
The first aspect of healing, growing and truly loving ourselves, is learning to be grateful for the simple things in life. Having gratitude brings in amazing energy to your life, if you can’t appreciate the small things why would you be rewarded with the big things. The end goal should always be about creating a life that we love living. Let’s look at how we are using our energy on a consistent basis. Do you wake up stressing, if so “STOP RIGHT NOW”?
Let me explain how energy works, its Law of attraction, what you put out you will receive back. If all you do is think about every obstacle that was placed in your life, you’re going to keep having more obstacles coming into your life. If you believe that great things will come into your life, you begin to see the blessings flow. Our decisions define us, therefore its imperative that you take time out to make the correct decisions daily. We must create positive habits that form a stable, mentally sound decision-making machine. Our minds are machines, we input information and our output is a result of our thoughts. It’s time to FIGHT like your life depends on it to find your purpose and live-in happiness. Ask yourself “What is my purpose”, can you answer that question with certainty? If you don’t know your purpose look at what makes you happy, what makes you smile. Do you love to play video games, if so, create your own video game, or open a video game store? If you love to cook, become a chef and open a restaurant, just do what you love, and it won’t feel like work. Life should feel good, if it doesn’t its time to make significant changes, starting with the inner work.
How you start your day will be how you end it; you can predict your own future. Did you hear what I just said because I need you to understand that, yes, we are that powerful, and wonderfully made, PERIODTTTTTT, you better believe it!
FAITH is a must, start the day confident and happy...
1. Wake up Grateful for just waking up…
2. Wake up earlier than normal, this is needed to Pray & meditate for at least 15-30 minutes.
3. Write out 3-5 (or more) positive affirmations about yourself
4. Plan for your day, write out your to-do list and execute (make it realistic, your list can be as simple as “clean my closet” or “find a new job”)
5. Protect your energy all day by blocking negativity (don’t let people call you with their baggage or participate in gossip, also watch what you are reading, and watching on television)
MINDSET is everything, how you view yourself and what you can become is all up to you. Remember that energy is contagious, what you put out is what will be returned to you.
Live in your greatness and get out there and “MOVE” something, I believe in you… Talk to you next month with “Real Talk with Reese”.