Comedian Gary Owen to Return to Cleveland to Headline Cleveland Improv...
Comedian Gary Owen is headed back to the city of Cleveland, and as always, it's set to be a fun-filled time. Owen will be taking center-stage at the Cleveland Improv as the comedy club's headlining act. He's set to begin Thursday, March 26, and extend through Sunday, March 29, 2015.
Gary last hit us with his brand of Comedy in June 2014, just as he had a number of other things booming. Of course, he was enjoying the success of last year's second installment of Think Like a Man, but he was also gearing up for a surprise offer to present at the 2014 BET Experience! We had an opportunity to actually talk with Gary there at the Improv! That video can be accessed on our YouTube account by clicking the link below!
Currently, Owen is gearing up for the release of the new film Get Hard, which stars Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell! The movie actually hits theaters March 27, the same weekend he's here in the city!
Cleveland fans are excited as ever that he'll be returning to unleash an updated routine. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit